Thanks to the generosity of our good friends and benefactors, we were able to complete the major renovation project which began in 2012.  There were many surprises along the way!  One of the Sisters wanted to ride the boom up to take some close up pictures of the terra cotta Calvary Statues on the pinnacle of our Chapel façade only to discover that it was badly damaged after 81 years of coastal weather.  That meant that it had to be dismantled and taken down for restoration and it meant another $40,000 added to the project!  It is reinforced and better than new!  All the architects and experts were very impressed at how well the terra cotta on the exterior and interior of the Chapel has held up all these years.  We now know the best technology to use to keep up a good maintenance on it for the future.
  • Before

  • After

  • church-before
  • church-after
  • turn-before-south
  • turn-garden-after-South
  • turn-before
  • turn-after