Work is an integral part of our lives as we imitate Mary, who lovingly toiled in the home at Nazareth.
“The Lord doesn’t look so much at the greatness of our works,” writes Saint Teresa of Avila, “as at the love with which they are done.” Though we usually work in solitude, sometimes help is needed; but there is no common workroom.
The spirituality of Carmel celebrates the beauty and wonder of God’s creation; Mount Carmel in scripture is seen as the epitome of earthly beauty as embodied in the Virgin Mary as well as in every person adorned with God’s grace. This traditional appreciation for nature fits in with the growing modern-day respect for our environment.
Each sister is encouraged to ponder on the many spiritual lessons which nature teaches: birth, growth, death and resurrection as expressed and shown forth in the changing seasons of our planet. During the course of the year, Jesus’ parables come to life in an actual way in the sowing of seeds, planting and harvesting, as each sister cultivates the small garden she is given to tend and thus establishes a deep connection with the living earth.
In practical terms, we are enthusiastic recyclers and some have taken on the practice of vermicomposting. We hope to grow in this spirit of good stewardship of the piece of earth which God has given us to care for.
Composting kitchen scraps in worm compost bins.